Thought leader meets Socrates
Thought Leader(TL): “Docker is evil”
Socrates(S): “Why is Docker evil?”
TL: “Docker changed name of open source project to Moby”
S: “Is name changing evil?”
TL: “No, Docker is trying to profit from the brand name Docker created through open source efforts”
S:”Is making profit evil?”
TL:”No..but, this is bait and switch”
S:”who did Docker bait?”
TL: “All the vendors in the community hoping to build a business around Docker”
S:”Why do these vendors want to build a business”
TL:”So, they make nice profit”
S:”Are these vendors evil?”
TL:”No. They did not do a bait and switch, so they are not evil”
S:”Did they try to replace Docker with Rocket before?”
TL:”Yes, they were trying to protect the community”
S:”Who was trying to harm the community?”
S:”How was Docker harming the community?”
TL:”Because they were trying to make profit”
S:”How will Rocket protect the community?”
TL:”Then community is not held hostage to Docker and they can use K8s freely”
S:”Who will benefit if more people use k8s”
TL:”The vendors in the community”
S:”How will they benefit?”
TL:”The vendors can sell professional services around k8s “
S:”So, these vendors make a profit?”
S:”Are these vendors evil?”
TL:No.these are the good companies”
S:”Why are they the good companies??”
TL:”Because they start foundations”
S:”Is everyone starting foundations good companies?”
TL:”I don’t mean that, but these are companies with good intentions — they donate money to Foundations”
S:”Ok. If Docker donates money to Foundations, they also become good company?”
TL:”No. Docker is evil — nothing can make them a good company?”
S:”Why is Docker evil?”
TL:”They are trying to make profit”
S:”So, making profit is evil?”
TL:”You talk tricky. My feelings are hurt. I am going to a Foundation meeting and hug my ilk. Good bye Socrates”
S:”Why are your feelings hurt?”