Announcing Cloud 3.0

.Cloud Opinion
2 min readApr 1, 2022


We, the thought leaders of A17Zed are pleased to announce Cloud 3.0.

Cloud 2.0 is centralized and is controlled by a handful of players. This creates a problem as you are held hostage by these cloud providers.

Cloud 3.0 is Blockchain based and it is decentralized. More details will be coming soon. To help you understand what Cloud 3.0 is, we have created a short FAQ below:

How does Cloud 3.0 work?

When you create an instance, it gets created on your own hardware in your own data center. When you need storage, you use your own hard disk and provision it as needed. We remove the cloud provider, so it becomes decentralized and gives full control back to users.

Does Cloud 3.0 support all workloads?

Yes, Cloud 3.0 is compatible with all workloads — if you can run it and you have hardware, its Cloud 3.0 ready.

What happens to Lift and Shift?

Lift and Shift will now become “Lift and Put it Back Where It Belongs”

How do I login to Cloud 3.0?

This is the best part. You stand in front of a mirror and state your name. An inbuilt AI/ML model will authenticate you and exchanges a Cloud 3.0 token with your hardware. You are now free to use Cloud 3.0 on your own hardware.

When I was testing the beta of Cloud 3.0, it let me in even when I did not stand before a mirror stating my name?

The Cloud 3.0 AI model is very smart. It outthinks you, so don’t worry about it. You are still authenticated.

Where can I find out the pricing information about Cloud 3.0 ?

Price lists are a relic of Cloud 1.0 and Cloud 2.0. In Cloud 3.0, there are no price lists — you just link your bank account to the Cloud 3.0 and using a Block chain, we will automatically take money from your bank account. Your cost will be calculated using a proof of work model. We currently do not accept crypto currency due to regulations.

Who is the Founder of Cloud 3.0 ?

The person reading this post right now.

Happy April Fools, people. Keep being awesome.

